Mouse Control & Rat Control: Mice Trapping & Removal Service
There are ways to get rid of the mice and rats yourself, but there are also likely to be times that you prefer to call on a professional. When this is the case, there are a number of things you will need to do to prepare for service, to ensure the treatment is as effective and long-lasting as possible. Rats can enter structures through almost any opening even those as small as half an inch in height or width. Our expert rodent technicians identify rat entry points and perform any necessary sealing off or repair work to keep the rats out of your home.
Rat Cleanup, Sanitation and Exclusion Service fees vary depending on the size of the area and extent of repair work needed. Our technicians will be able to quote you a price.
Prevent mice problem in your house or building Make sure your property is well manicured. Get rid of clutter! Rats are fond of using trees, vines and large shrubs as ladders to access upper stories and roof areas.